It's daunting how your life can change within a matter of minutes. You can be relaxing at home, having a meal with your family, and living in the moment. Relishing in contentment, you are still smiling as you get up to answer the knock on your front door. That smile immediately diminishes upon seeing who is at your doorstep. It is the sheriffs. They are there to tell you that they are evicting you and your family from your home.
What would you do? Where would you go? Would you have family or friends to help you? Those who are not fortunate enough to have someone to turn to, end up homeless.
Andy Bales, CEO of the Los Angeles Union Rescue Mission writes, "Today, as our economy worsens, more and more professional and middle-class people are losing their jobs and homes — and joining LA's homeless population. Most are homeless for the first time and many are turning to the Union Rescue Mission for help. They are the new face of homelessness in L.A." In other words, homelessness is no longer privy to the poor and destitute.
I received this email from the Union Rescue Mission and am forwarding it to you in the hopes that you can open up your heart to help someone who is not as fortunate. Thank you so much for your compassion and God Bless!!
Dear Adornments,
Imagine how hopeless you would feel, knowing you did everything in your power to care for your family, yet ended up destitute on the streets of Skid Row!
Because so many people lost their homes and savings in the recent economic downturn, there is three times the number of families coming to us for help than just one year ago.
Families like these need the renewing power of EASTER -- NOW MORE THAN EVER.
During the Easter season, I need partners like you to help provide hot meals, dignity and a future for individuals and families who come to us hungry, discouraged and desperate. People like Victoria . . .
Recently, Victoria and her husband, with their five beautiful children came to us -- abruptly evicted from the home they were renting because the landlord had defaulted on the mortgage payment.
The meals you provide can be the first step to transforming life for families like hers who are now facing serious hardship.
Because a portion of our food is discounted or donated, each gift of $22.08 will provide meals for 12 people. $27.60 will feed 15 people and your gift of $40.48 will help provide 22 Easter season meals.
As a partner with Union Rescue Mission, your gift today will help bring EASTER L.A. -- A SEASON OF MIRACLES to Skid Row's most desperate people.
In deepest gratitude for all you do,
Andy Bales
Rev. Andy Bales, CEO
P.S. Thank you for any amount you can send now or by April 4 at the latest. Your gift to provide Easter season meals will help families who are facing some of the worst blows life has to offer.
Provide Easter meals and hope for hungry families
Help provide Easter meals and hope for hungry families.
545 S. San Pedro Street • Los Angeles CA 90013 • 213-347-6300 • www.urm.org
Mailing Address:
Union Rescue Mission
545 S. San Pedro Street
Los Angeles, CA 90013
Contact Name: webmaster@urm.org
Telephone Number: (213) 347-6300
Horrible and frightening.
I would love to give but it's taking everything I have to keep our head alittle bit above water right now.
My fridge is leaking and saving for a new one.
Microwave just started going on the fritz ... oh yeah!
WOW! That would be scary to have someone tell you that. Thanks for thinking of others and sharing this letter. I will be glad to donate.
Thanks for stopping by ladies. Yes, it's such a sad situation for so many 1st time homeless families that have been affected by the state of our economy. Thanks for your generosity, Cindy:)
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