Thursday, December 11, 2008

Food for Thought

Despite the picture of Apple Latkes recently made for my familia, I am not here to woo you with food. Instead, I am hoping to appeal to your other "senses" - your sense of compassion, kindness, and generosity. There are so many people that are depending on your generosity this Christmas. The homeless mother that looks forward to a meal to feed her children and safe place to stay for the night. The father that recently lost his job and needs just a little help to be able to support his family. The child that is abandoned and has no where else to turn.

Granted it always seems that there is barely enough to fend for our own family. But then I am reminded that compared to 3rd world/developing countries, my family has more than enough. We have a car to drive, a home to live in, food to eat, and a reliable income. We have the basic necessities that others only dream of having.

There are so many non-profit organizations who would be so grateful for your act of kindness. Listed below are a few of ours. Thank you for reading our blog and thank you for the desire to help those not as fortunate.

The Sheepfold

Union Rescue Mission
Focus on the Family
American Center for Law & Justice

1 comment:

Sarah McBride said...

what a great blog post. I am afraid that everyone gets caught up on the Toys and santa and the latest gadgets. I am trying to be more charitable to those around me and to help out where I can.

Welcome and thanks for visiting our blog. Prepare to be served with jewels, food, and a little bit of humor. Enjoy your stay and hope to see you again soon.